Tema : Dual DHCP DNS(dual Server DNS)...luz en todos los 4800  
  post #21  manuel ode está desconectado
29-Sep-2017, 18:33
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Hola, ojo con esto, yo me lo he montado con otro servidor dns en mi red (el que lleva incluido el openwrt) y esta ha sido la clave. Mi operador resuelve esa dirección como, y con esa ip, no me va, poniendo esta que indica el compañero sí me ha funcionado.

no le falta un digito ???
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  post #22  WESKIN está desconectado
29-Sep-2017, 18:56
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Muy buenas a todos, soy un propietario del modem h500s de vodafone y parecía, por lo que contabais, que esta era mi salvación. Pero no consigo tener luz, este es el log que me sale al iniciar:

[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Dual DHCP DNS Server Version 7.30 Windows Build 7037 Starting...
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Starting DNS Service
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] DNS Logging: All
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Warning: Section[LISTEN_ON], Invalid Interface Address, ignored
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Server Name: DESKTOP-A317GJT
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Domain Name: workgroup.com
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Default Host Expiry: 36000 (sec)
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Default Forwarding Server:
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Default Forwarding Server:
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] DNS Service Permitted Hosts:
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Detecting Static Interfaces..
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] No Static Interface ready, Waiting...
[29-Sep-17 18:23:00] Network changed, re-detecting Static Interfaces..
[29-Sep-17 18:23:00] Listening On:

la 156 es la ip de mi pc, la 158 la del deco. en el deco está la puerta enlace 0.1 que está correcta, la dns principal he puesto la ip del pc y la secundaria una de google.
he quitado el ";" de cada linea que queria se hiciera efectiva por modificación, es decir:

#Specify the service you want to use
#Default is both services
#Specify the Interfaces you would like Server to listen
#if you have more than one NIC card on your server
#always specify which cards will listen DHCP/DNS requests
#Requests from diffent Interfaces look for matching DHCP ranges.
#Requests from relay agents look for matching range to relay agent IP.
#upto 125 interfaces can be specified.
#Default is all Static interfaces

#LogLevels can be set as None, Normal or All
#Logging Level has be specified separately for DHCP and DNS
#It is advisable to keep logging to Normal, Normal include errors
#and DHCP Lease renewal messages. Normal is defaul logging also.

#These are permitted hosts for DNS Query.
#Hosts having IP address within these ip ranges
#only will be responded to DNS requests.
#Hosts "queried for" has nothing to do with these ranges.
#125 ranges can be specified.
#DHCP Client ranges are automatically included
#use second example for allowing all hosts

#This is where hosts and their
#IPs needs to be specified
#DNS will resolve as per
#entries here, in addition to
#DHCP alotted addresses.
#Bare names automatically
#assume local domain name.
#hosts here need not be local
#reverse entry is automatic.
#MX and ALIASs needs to
#be given in respected sections
#no alias or wild cards in this section
#No limit to no. of entries here !

#These servers are default Forward DNS Servers
#Program auto detects if not specified

esto es todo lo que he modificado... el resto está tal cual venía en el *.ini.

si veis algo mal por favor, AYUDA!! :p

gracias a todos!
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  post #23  WESKIN está desconectado
29-Sep-2017, 19:26
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Iniciado por WESKIN

Muy buenas a todos, soy un propietario del modem h500s de vodafone y parecía, por lo que contabais, que esta era mi salvación. Pero no consigo tener luz, este es el log que me sale al iniciar:

[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Dual DHCP DNS Server Version 7.30 Windows Build 7037 Starting...
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Starting DNS Service
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] DNS Logging: All
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Warning: Section[LISTEN_ON], Invalid Interface Address, ignored
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Server Name: DESKTOP-A317GJT
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Domain Name: workgroup.com
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Default Host Expiry: 36000 (sec)
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Default Forwarding Server:
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Default Forwarding Server:
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] DNS Service Permitted Hosts:
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] Detecting Static Interfaces..
[29-Sep-17 18:22:55] No Static Interface ready, Waiting...
[29-Sep-17 18:23:00] Network changed, re-detecting Static Interfaces..
[29-Sep-17 18:23:00] Listening On:

la 156 es la ip de mi pc, la 158 la del deco. en el deco está la puerta enlace 0.1 que está correcta, la dns principal he puesto la ip del pc y la secundaria una de google.
he quitado el ";" de cada linea que queria se hiciera efectiva por modificación, es decir:

#Specify the service you want to use
#Default is both services
#Specify the Interfaces you would like Server to listen
#if you have more than one NIC card on your server
#always specify which cards will listen DHCP/DNS requests
#Requests from diffent Interfaces look for matching DHCP ranges.
#Requests from relay agents look for matching range to relay agent IP.
#upto 125 interfaces can be specified.
#Default is all Static interfaces

#LogLevels can be set as None, Normal or All
#Logging Level has be specified separately for DHCP and DNS
#It is advisable to keep logging to Normal, Normal include errors
#and DHCP Lease renewal messages. Normal is defaul logging also.

#These are permitted hosts for DNS Query.
#Hosts having IP address within these ip ranges
#only will be responded to DNS requests.
#Hosts "queried for" has nothing to do with these ranges.
#125 ranges can be specified.
#DHCP Client ranges are automatically included
#use second example for allowing all hosts

#This is where hosts and their
#IPs needs to be specified
#DNS will resolve as per
#entries here, in addition to
#DHCP alotted addresses.
#Bare names automatically
#assume local domain name.
#hosts here need not be local
#reverse entry is automatic.
#MX and ALIASs needs to
#be given in respected sections
#no alias or wild cards in this section
#No limit to no. of entries here !

#These servers are default Forward DNS Servers
#Program auto detects if not specified

esto es todo lo que he modificado... el resto está tal cual venía en el *.ini.

si veis algo mal por favor, AYUDA!! :p

gracias a todos!

Me autocito para autodenominarme tonto por no haber abierto el puerto 53 en el firewall de Windows.

Millones y millones de gracias de verdad. Sois enormes.
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  post #24  Gourkuff está desconectado
29-Sep-2017, 21:15
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Buenas, no consigo hacerlo funcionar, creo haber seguido todos los pasos, esto me muestra el log:
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Dual DHCP DNS Server Version 7.30 Windows Build 7037 Starting...
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Starting DNS Service
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] DNS Logging: All
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Server Name: GORKA
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Domain Name: workgroup
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Default Host Expiry: 36000 (sec)
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Default Forwarding Server:
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Default Forwarding Server:
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] DNS Service Permitted Hosts:
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Detecting Static Interfaces..
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Listening On:

Si alguien puede echarme una mano, se agradece.
Un saludo
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  post #25  vcx77 está desconectado
29-Sep-2017, 21:18
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Iniciado por Gourkuff

Buenas, no consigo hacerlo funcionar, creo haber seguido todos los pasos, esto me muestra el log:
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Dual DHCP DNS Server Version 7.30 Windows Build 7037 Starting...
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Starting DNS Service
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] DNS Logging: All
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Server Name: GORKA
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Domain Name: workgroup
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Default Host Expiry: 36000 (sec)
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Default Forwarding Server:
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Default Forwarding Server:
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] DNS Service Permitted Hosts:
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Detecting Static Interfaces..
[29-Sep-17 21:12:22] Listening On:

Si alguien puede echarme una mano, se agradece.
Un saludo
Has abierto el puerto 53 en el firewall de windows
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  post #26  Gourkuff está desconectado
29-Sep-2017, 21:29
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Iniciado por vcx77

Has abierto el puerto 53 en el firewall de windows
Si que lo he abierto. Acabo de probar con el otro metodo, registrandome en la pagina y ya tengo luz. Asi que dejo lo del dualserver jeje. Mil gracias a los que haceis esto posible y a los que nos atendeis tan rapido ;)
Un saludo
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  post #27  rubinho33 está desconectado
29-Sep-2017, 22:15
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En que página te has registrado?
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  post #28  Gourkuff está desconectado
29-Sep-2017, 23:56
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Iniciado por rubinho33

En que página te has registrado?
No se como compartir un tema, busca uno llamado "luz en 4800 facilmente" y sigue los pasos que se explican ahi.
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  post #29  kickass está desconectado
30-Sep-2017, 06:02
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Hola, no me conecta y me sale este log,

[30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Starting DNS Service [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] DNS Logging: All [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Warning: Section[LISTEN_ON] Interface is not static, ignored [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Server Name: DESKTOP-91SB43O [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Domain Name: workgroup [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Default Host Expiry: 36000 (sec) [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Default Forwarding Server: [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Default Forwarding Server: [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] DNS Service Permitted Hosts: [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Detecting Static Interfaces.. [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Warning: Section[LISTEN_ON] Interface is not static, ignored [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] No Static Interface ready, Waiting...
tengo abierto el puerto 53, la obviamente es la IP fija del pc, a ver si alguien me puede orientar, gracias.

Esto está solucionado tenia la ip fija para el pc solo en el router, al ponerla fija tambien en el pc da el log correcto, aunque sigo sin ver nada, mañana seguiré cacharreando...

  Última edición por kickass; 30-Sep-2017 a las 06:43   Razón: este problema solucionado
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  post #30  WESKIN está desconectado
30-Sep-2017, 12:38
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WESKIN está en el buen camino
Fecha de Ingreso : 17-April-2017
Mensajes : 19


Iniciado por kickass

Hola, no me conecta y me sale este log,

[30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Starting DNS Service [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] DNS Logging: All [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Warning: Section[LISTEN_ON] Interface is not static, ignored [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Server Name: DESKTOP-91SB43O [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Domain Name: workgroup [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Default Host Expiry: 36000 (sec) [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Default Forwarding Server: [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Default Forwarding Server: [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] DNS Service Permitted Hosts: [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Detecting Static Interfaces.. [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] Warning: Section[LISTEN_ON] Interface is not static, ignored [30-Sep-17 05:44:12] No Static Interface ready, Waiting...
tengo abierto el puerto 53, la obviamente es la IP fija del pc, a ver si alguien me puede orientar, gracias.

Esto está solucionado tenia la ip fija para el pc solo en el router, al ponerla fija tambien en el pc da el log correcto, aunque sigo sin ver nada, mañana seguiré cacharreando...
Mira la configuración del *ini que he puesto un poco más arriba. Con eso a mí me va perfecto. Prueba a meter la línea de bvsop en los servidores a los que conectar.
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